High School Fisheries and Wildlife Management Project
Driving Questions: How does the health of our waters affect the wellbeing of specific habitats and ecosystems within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed?
Project Elements
Issue Investigation Students learned the qualities needed for specific species to thrive; brook trout, turtles, oysters, etc. They investigated direct links between contaminants and water sources. Habitat degradation, population concerns and conservation practices were explored.
Field Investigation
Action Project
Through Trout in the Classroom, students raised trout which were then released into Spout Run. Additionally, students investigated ways to specifically target the health of our waters pertaining to the Brook Trout populations in Virginia.
Synthesis and Conclusions
This year's focus was on Virginia's wildlife on land and in water. And by learning about the necessary habitats for healthy wildlife, students learned that stocking trout in our local streams is a small way we can make a difference in keeping our waterways healthier.
Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience - MWEE