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Meadow summer

Research home

We invite researchers in the environmental and ecological sciences from around the world to consider locating their research activities at Blandy Experimental Farm. Blandy supports research by providing a broad range of habitats (woodlots, successional fields, pastures, and small ponds), facilities (laboratories, housing, equipment), graduate-student fellowships, and research opportunities for undergraduates through the REU program.

Blandy is home to a vibrant research community. Research activity is particularly pronounced during the summer months during which Blandy provides opportunities for 20-25 undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral researchers to conduct ecological research while in residence. Members of the summer community enjoy a weekly research seminar series and numerous formal and informal social events.

Those with questions about conducting research at Blandy should contact Dr. Kyle Haynes (540-837-1758 ext. 292). Undergraduates interested in the REU program can find information here.